Leadership Project Post

15 06 2013

For my leadership project, I weighed the options for publishing and presenting.  Publishing would have been more convenient, but I really have the desire to present.  I have been researching my options and quite a few have popped up.


My initial impulse lead me straight to the National Science Teacher’s Association’s 2014 national convention.  They are no longer accepting applications for this conference. I did come across a STEM forum and Expo in New Orleans, LA.  This conference is scheduled to be held may 14-17, 2014. This is actually a better option for me when compared to the national convention held in Boston. New Orleans is a 1 ½ to 2 hours drive for me and it would not place me in a completely foreign environment.  I attended the national conference when it was hosted in New Orleans. It was a great experience, but I was overloaded with new information.  This conference exceeded my cognitive load.


Aye-aye at night in the wild in Madagascar

MSTA would place me in my natural habitat, much like this Aye Aye in Madgascar!!

The second option I thought of would be the Mississippi Science Teacher’s Association conference, which will be held October 27-29, 2013 in Jackson, MS.  I say this is my second option, only because I though od it second. This would probably be the option I picked first. I think I would have a greater chance of being accepted and it would be a great place to get my feet wet for presenting for my peers.  It would also be a great place for me to network with educators from my state.  My AR project
So to wrap things up, I will first try for the MSTA conference.The date is much closer and it will be a good place to meet local contacts. If this does not pan out I will do the NSTA STEM conference in New Orleans.  In either event, they will be a great experience.was aligned to the Mississippi State Standards for Human Anatomy and Physiology.  I have attended this conference and it exceeded my expectations. I would love to attend again.



2 responses

20 06 2013

Good to have more than one options… good luck.


22 06 2013
Week 3 Leadership Project Hub | Random SamurAye Aye Sanzin

[…] Week 2 Leadership Project Post -Options for presentation […]


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