Week 2 Live Classroom Meeting Blog Entry

16 06 2013

Only the copyright owner and those with permission can uses copyrighted material. Any permanently fixed work that can be seen or heard protected by copyright. Books, plays, music, films, and dances are all media, which may be protected by copyright.  Trademark protects logos and patents protect the ideas of inventors. Copyright last for the lifetime of the author plus 70 years and 100 years for a company.


Copyright is not so much concerned with how you acquired the media, it is more concerned with whether or not you have permission to use the media.


Ken Burns made documentaries profitable. But did this effect extend to all documentaries?


I really hate the rules for Fair Use in the classroom. Can’t you essentially  replace any media in a lesson? There are very few exceptions. Media clips enhance lessons.


Fair use in education on applies to public schools.

Publishing online changes the dynamics of  Fair Use.


I believe that fair use applies to news entities such as ABC, NBC, and FOX because they are large corporations and hold tons of power. I believe our  reading assignments this week alluded to the market holding all the power. This would be an example. 



One response

20 06 2013

Thanks for reviewing the archive and great summary of the issues. Yeah, I’m not sure how Fair Use doesn’t work in for-profit educational institutions but does work for news organizations (which are parts of for-profit corporations). Ack.


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